Be sure to read to the end of this blog because I would love your feedback on my latest cover and I reveal the reason behind my lack of recent releases... Let's get started:
Book Deals
Right now, you can grab EverMage: Bond of Magic for $0.99 on Amazon, AND you can grab Game Alive for FREE at ALL major retailers (Amazon, B&N, Nook, iTunes, & Kobo.
Paperback Books!
And judging from the dozens of emails I get about this every week, many of you will be glad to hear that I'm finally publishing my books in print! It's been a slow process, but I'm on track to have all of my books available on Amazon and CreateSpace as print by the end of July. Here are the books that are available in PRINT now:
Cover Reveal & a Personal Story
I just received some absolutely beautiful cover art from painter and illustrator, Wilson Saravia. For those of you who don't know, Wilson has created the artwork used for most of my covers and has done a fantastic job with the EverMage series.
Before I reveal the cover, I need to get something off my chest. I know so many of you are excited about this next book, the sequel to Clash of Chaos, and I apologize for the delay in releasing it. Unfortunately, life has a way of throwing things at you that can knock you off course...
Earlier this year, I found out that I have Type 1 Diabetes. For those of you unfamiliar with Type 1, it's an autoimmune disorder that destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, making me insulin-dependent for the rest of my life. The doctor told me that if I hadn't came in with I did, I would have gone into a diabetic coma within the month and likely died. The news shocked me, but it helped explain several things that had happened over this past year.
One of those was my inability to focus. I blamed it on stress and other factors, but now that my blood sugar is under control, it's like a cloud has been lifted from my mind. It's scary to realize how close I was to death and didn't even realize it. I was like a zombie, going on autopilot for much of last year, and my writing suffered for it.
I'm finally starting to get back on track, but even now that I'm treated, it's been a challenge to deal with all the things that come from being a Type 1, including the absolutely insane cost of medical supplies and insulin that I need in order to survive.
So, with that, I want to thank all of my readers for their patience. Lots of you have asked me why I haven't written more quickly...This is why. But, I am very optimistic for the future. I'm the healthiest I've ever been and am so excited about writing again. Thank you so much for your support.
Now for the reveal! The title is subject to change, but the cover is pretty much finalized. Please feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts on the cover or any questions or comments you may have.