I had been tinkering with the notion of dedicating a full month to writing with the very ambitious goal of one short story per day.  While it's been difficult, I'm still on target to meet my goal.

The Last Sun is the next in a line of science fiction short stories that I've been writing these last few weeks.  It finally went live on Amazon this morning, so you can check it out if you're interested in reading about a world where the stars have started blinking out of existence and how everyone deals with that.

On a related note, I've also put together my first collection, aptly named Science Fiction Short Stories.  This collection contains four of my most popular science fiction short stories to date and will be the first in a series of collected works of fiction.  You can grab the entire collection for free off of Amazon starting tomorrow.  The promo will last for five days before returning to its normal price.  Click Here to check out Science Fiction Short Stories.